Who We Are

Oliver Farms LLC is located in Smithfield, Virginia and run by fourth generation farmers: Jimmy and JV Oliver. Primarily a row crop farm, the cousins grow cotton, soybeans, corn and wheat on the family owned farm.

Oliver Farms Produce begins each produce year with the planting of our summer produce. In late June through August, we open the windows on “The Shack” where we have produce fresh picked daily: sweet corn, butterbeans and crowder peas. Fall produce: collards, cabbage, broccoli, kale and brussel sprouts are planted late summer and ready for your Thanksgiving and Christmas tables. Customers can pre-order by emailing: orders@oliverproduce.com and become a fan on facebook at Oliver Farms Produce – Smithfield, VA.

We proudly provide the freshest and best we grow here at Oliver Farms Produce. Easily reachable from Suffolk, the Peninsula, Smithfield and Windsor, our customers believe as we do: buying from your local farmer is assurance it hasn’t been picked and traveling for days! We support and believe in locally grown produce…..From Our Field To Your Table.

14 Responses to Who We Are

  1. Zina Stokes says:

    Are the strawberries sprayed?

  2. Sara says:

    Has your produce been certified organic? I’d LOVE to get some of your produce but I am very sensitive to pesticides. Thanks!

    • We do not put anything on our produce. In order to be CERTIFIED organic, land must lay out of production for 3 years. We are a working farm and this is our sole incoome, so we cannot do that. By rotating our fields each year, pests don’t build up in the soil thus not given the same plant as a host. We have lots of bees, ladybugs and earthworms on our farm.

  3. Sasha says:

    I understand from C3 Vino that you make sausage. Would you ever consider holding a class? I raise my own pigs and really want to learn to make sausage. None of my attempts have really been good.

    • While the farm was started back in the early 1900’s, and Jimmy’s grandfather, father and uncle slaughtered hogs, we no longer do that. Our sausage is made from pork trimmings.
      In thinking about it, my best suggestion would be online! In this day and age, you can google anything!

      Good luck.

  4. Ashley says:

    Do you offer strawberry pickings? If so, when?

    • 8-7 Monday-Thursday; 8-noon Friday; 8-3 Saturday; 1-4 Sunday.
      This holiday weekend, Monday will be 8-1. Weather has been our problem so make sure to call the answering machine before coming to make sure we are open. Plus, there is a button on my site that shows you weather at the farm.

  5. Liz Goodson says:

    i dont know if i missed it but i wanted to bring my mom to pick she took us when we were kids but i dont see a price per pound or whatever

    • You pick is $9 4 quart basket; $5 for a 2 quart.
      As we are now nearing the end of the season, please check here or call the office 255-4563 to listen to the answering machine for hours.
      Also if you are on facebook, LIKE us at Oliver Farms Produce – Smtihfield, VA

  6. Do you all make ice cream on the farm during You pick hours? And are your prices for You Pick the same as last year?

  7. D. Hall says:

    I make baskets and I have been looking for cotton stems to add to some of them. Would you sell a small number of cotton stems?

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